The Sanner’s had a great day today! We would love to update you on every detail that is currently taking place, but things are happening so quickly we’ve been asked to guard some of those details until a later date. Needless to say we are feeling comfortable and pleased with the direction and speed in which things are going…
Will also share that we have felt your prayers, today in particular they seemed to engulf us, a peace that surpassed… thank you, thank Him! The sun even came out this afternoon!
We continue to spend gobs of time with Lena and friends. Feeling incredibly blessed!
The only thing today that could have possibly been seen as a negative is that Uncle Peti came by again and asked us to come to his house for New Years Eve dinner… would LOVE to spend more time with them, but we’re still trying to figure out an out on the dinner invitation without offending… any ideas, let us know. :]
Charlie, LENA NICKALA and I send our love…
Promise more to come as we can…
In the meantime here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure!!
a feast with Uncle Peti, Aunt Vala, and Babuska |
me and Aunt Vala! |
love this picture of Uncle Peti and Charlie, family!! :] |
Lena heads off on Sultan, along with Uncle Peti... |
Sultan returns home without Lena! and we thought our horse Rowdy was rowdy! Lena was ok, she returned smiling... :] |